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Library Information

A - Z Library Policies List

The Mercy College of Ohio library policies have been established to ensure the safety and security of library users, staff, materials, and facilities. The policies also document the obligations of library users regarding adherence to copyright laws and privacy of information.

Below is an A - Z list on specific things in the library. If you have any questions on one of these policies feel free to reach out to any library staff member. 


Animals that are not service animals are not permitted in the library, with the exception of library organized and college-approved events. Patrons accompanied by non-service animals are invited to return to the library without the animal.

Cell Phones

Cell phones should be silenced while in the library. Phone calls may be made or received in the hallway outside the library. Library guests may also ask to use a study room if access to a computer is needed during the call.


The physical library will be closed when the Mercy College campus is closed due to inclement weather. Online library services will remain available during building closures.

Building closures may occur during the following events:

  • Level 3 snow emergency
  • Tornado, flooding, or other serious weather event
  • Electrical outage or serious maintenance issues in the building
  • Staff illness

Computer Use

Computers and printers are available in the library for Mercy College educational and professional purposes.

Use of computing resources is a privilege that depends on individuals using the resources appropriately and in accordance with college policies and local, state, and federal laws. Please refer to the Bon Secours Mercy Health policies for additional information regarding computer use.

Computer users should not save any personal or patient information on the library’s computers.

Laptops and other personal computing devices are welcome in the library. Library guests may connect personal equipment only to the wireless network.


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions, libraries are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction not to be used “for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a library guest makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes that fall outside of fair use, that guest may be liable for copyright infringement.

See the copyright page for more information.


The library reserves the right to determine the need for an item offered for donation. The library staff will determine where it will be located and how it will be cataloged and circulated.

When the staff accepts a donation of materials, it becomes the property of the library.

Materials that the library does not keep will be offered to other libraries, sold or discarded.

Electronic Resources Access

Due to licensing agreement limitations, access to most subscription electronic resources is limited to current faculty, staff, and students of the college.

Food & Drink

Food is permitted in the library, so long as guests are respectful of the space and dispose of wrappers in the trash.  

Non-alcoholic beverages in closed containers (thermoses, travel mugs, bottled water or soft drinks, etc.) are permitted in the library.

No food or beverage is permitted in the archives room or while viewing archival materials.


The library has wireless internet access available for guests who would like to use their own laptops.

See also: computer use policy

Late and Lost Items

The library will waive late fees once a borrowed item has been returned. The library charges for replacement of lost items. Contact the library for details about how to pay for a lost item.

Smoking & Vaping

Smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere on the Mercy College of Ohio campus.

Study Spaces and Meeting Rooms

The library is open for students to work or study quietly.  There are two study rooms with computers available on a first-come first-serve basis, plus an additional bigger meeting room with a smart tv.