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Podcast Club

Podcast Club

Podcast Club

Welcome! We're glad you are interested in participating the podcast club. We will meet three times during spring semester 2023 to discuss higher education themed podcast episodes and how we can apply what we've learned to our own professional development and/or our work with students. Each meeting is a standalone discussion, and you are not required to attend all three dates.


What is a podcast club?

The podcast club is similar to a book club, but with a shorter time commitment. In advance of the meeting, participants will listen to (or read) a brief episode about a topic of interest in the higher ed world. The meeting time will be used to discuss the podcast episode. Transcripts will be made available for each episode and some additional optional content may be provided.


Why hold a podcast club?

We know everyone is busy with their work and personal lives, so we want to offer an opportunity that is easy to fit into a packed schedule. Each episode is under 30 minutes, and participants can listen during a commute or on a lunch break. 


How do I participate?

Please listen to the podcast or read the transcript prior to the meeting and come prepared with an observation or reflection on the content. If you are unable to listen to the podcast prior to the meeting, you are still welcome. For those attending in person, we will meet in the CTLI (Zoom) room on the 6th floor around the corner from the reception desk. Faculty and staff may instead attend remotely via the Zoom link in the calendar invite.

Attendees are welcome to bring a lunch to eat during or after the meeting. The room will be reserved until 1 pm.



Meeting Dates:

2/15 @ noon, 6th flr Jefferson or Zoom   

Episode 7: Carol Dweck Says Theory of Educational Mind-Set Is Often Misunderstood


3/15 @ noon, 6th flr Jefferson or Zoom 

Episode 2: Google’s ‘Education Evangelist': Students Are Changing Faster Than Colleges


4/19 @ noon, 6th flr Jefferson or Zoom  (two episodes)

Episode 5: Three teaching experts offer color commentary on a classroom lecture and discuss the pros and cons of this enduring teaching format.

Episode 16: Sarah Short, who has taught some 44,000 students over a half-century at Syracuse U., wants to see more classroom interaction.


Questions? Need to be added to the Outlook meeting invitation?

Please reach out to Kristen Porter.



Wednesday, April 19th, noon - 12:45 pm, 6th flr. Jefferson CTLI Room or Zoom

Please listen to both Episode 5 and Episode 16.


Episode 5: Three teaching experts offer color commentary on a classroom lecture and discuss the pros and cons of this enduring teaching format.

Link to Episode on Spotify: Episode 5: Dissecting One (Extremely Boring) College Lecture - ReLearning Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

Link to post about podcast episode with transcript: Dissecting One (Extremely Boring) College Lecture (

Optional: Link to video discussed in episode: Boring Lecture (auto-generated transcript available)


Episode 16: Sarah Short, who has taught some 44,000 students over a half-century at Syracuse U., wants to see more classroom interaction.

Link to Episode on Spotify: Episode 16: A Higher-Education Rebel With a Cause

Link to post about podcast episode with transcript: A Higher-Education Rebel With a Cause (

Optional: Audio Documentary about Dr. Sarah Short (closed captioning available)

Syracuse University Libraries and Falk College have partnered to produce a vibrant audio documentary featuring Professor Emerita Sarah “Sally” Short, an academic trailblazer in nutrition and proud Orange alumna whose dedicated teaching career at Syracuse University spans more than 50 years. 



1. Do you think that traditional lectures are still relevant in nursing and allied health education? Why or why not?

2. What do you think about Sarah Short's unusual teaching style? Do you agree with Dr. Short about a loss of interaction in distance education?